John Henry StephensLily Bessie Talbot

Jack (John Albert George) StephensAmelia Maud Lillian Mary Davey

Patricia Francis Stephens

f a m i l y
Children with:
Ronald Anthony Skinner

Sarah Ellen Stephens
Mary Elizabeth Stephens
Victoria Ena Stephens
Jane Amelia Stephens

Paula Leslie Skinner
Ronald Anthony Jnr Skinner
John Stephen James Skinner
Nathan Marcus Skinner
Leigh Yorrick Skinner
Patricia Francis Stephens
  • Born: 3 Dec 1947, Plymouth
  • Married 6 Nov 1965, St Charles with St Matthias Church North Hill Plymouth, to Ronald Anthony Skinner
  • Married to Baron Vladimr Olegavitch (Wally) Hackel

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