John Henry StephensLily Bessie TalbotWilliam James or Henry SelvesterMary Jane Magdaleu Widger

Charles Henry StephensPhyllis Jessie Selvester

Sylvia Rosemary Stephens

f a m i l y
Children with:
Anthony Terence Lord

Lorraine Davies

Angela Lord
Peter Lord
Sylvia Rosemary Stephens
  • Born: 16 Aug 1940, 50 East Steet Stonehouse Plymouth
  • Married 7 Jan 1961, Stoke Damerel Church Plymouth, to Anthony Terence Lord
  • Occupation: Civil Servant Now retrired

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    Sylvia was born in East Street Stonehouse. This area was bombed during WW2. She was evacuated to Bovey Tracy in Devon Her Father died aged 29. Her Mother met her Step father (Albert Edward Victor Davies - known locally as 'Dave') and married in 1946. At this time they lived on a farm in Kings Tamerton Plmouth. From here they moved to Fellowes Place, Millbridge where they had the upstairs flat above Aunt Rose. Attended St Peter's primary school and having passed the 11+ was awarded a place at Stoke Dameral High School in Kepple Place. Met Tony late 1955 through Stoke Damerel Church and Youth Club. Stayed together and got married 7/1/61. Worked as a Clerical Officer in the Ministry of Labour from 1957 to 1962 when she left to have her first Child Angela.

    Later when the children were old enough went to work evenings at Bush Television. Later worked evenings at Tecalemit Engineering. Alo worked as a Merchandiser for Walls Ice Cream. (1972-1977) Also for Birds Eye Frozen Foods (1974-1975)

    Rejoined the Civil Service in 1977 as a Clerical Assistant in The Department Of Social Security. Promoted to Clerical Officer in 1981. Promoted to Executive Officer in 1987 and transferred to the Plymouth Office and worked as a National Insurance Inspector.

    Took early retirement in 1995

    Lived at 63 Wordsworth Road, Camels Head when first married. Angela was born in this house. Around 1965 moved to 10 Salisbury Terrace , Stoke. Lived on the ground floor. This house belonged to Bill & Trixie Waghorne (used to live next door at Camels Head). Peter was born here. in 1968 moved to 27 Humber Close, Deer Park.

    Moved to 3 Reynolds Close, Plympton in 1979. Not happy here so moved to 28 Ford Hill , Stoke (1980 - 1992). Moved to 5 Briarleigh Close in July 1992

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