John DrewMary PhillipsJohn TruscottEliza Hall

William Thomas DrewMary Jane Truscott

William James Drew

f a m i l y
Children with:
Clara Mary Whittington

Frederick Thomas Drew
Samuel Drew
Lillie Drew
Annie Drew
John H Drew
Mary P Drew
Eliza B Drew
James H Drew
Charles Drew
Emily Drew

Harrold Drew
Doris Drew
Francis L Drew
Herbert Harold T Drew
James E Drew
William James Drew
  • Born: 1875, Tavistock Devon
  • Married to Clara Mary Whittington
  • Died: 1918, Burried in the Salonica Anglo French Millitary Cemetary
  • Occupation: Gardener (1901)
  • Reference: 1891 & 1901 Census, Army Records, War Memorial

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