Copyrights: These maps constitue a produced work. These maps are copyrighted (c) by The maps may be used freely for personal use. Redistribution, sale or reuse is not allowed You may publish screenshots according to CCBYSA 2.0 as long as you attribute In case contourlines are visible you also need to attribute Non commercial distribution not asking for any service charge or other charges (also not cost of shipping or cost of hardware) while attributing, and explicitely providing the date of map creation is permitted to your friends or family members as long as the redistribution is offline / not as a download. The sale on auction platforms (such as ebay) or via online or offline shops is explicitely forbidden. Also offering the maps for download on the internet is explicitely forbidden. Copyrights: - Map Data (6*.img and *mdr.img files and mapset.img // Mac OSX all 6*.* files and mapset* files) All maptiles are compiled with mkgmap and mkgmap splitter ( Map data (c) OpenStreetMap and contributors Thanks to for providing the map data snapshots which I use to create the maps. Thanks to mkgmap and its team! Mkgmap is the map compiler used to create theese maps. is released under GPL V2. The map data is made available under the Open Database License:: Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License: - Contourlines Copyrights (contained in 7*.img) The Contourlines data is provided by Jonathan de Ferranti where available and SRTM3" in areas where no files are provided by Compiled also with mkgmap. All Copyrights to the contourdata remains with Jonathan de Ferranti. The openmtbmap contourline maps may be used according to by attributing and attributing the exact date of map compilation by If you distribute the contourline maps without proper attribution you break the copyright of and I reserve my right to enforce legal action. You may publish screenshots showing the contourlines according to CCBYSA 2.0 as long as you attribute and link to and The sale or (re-)distribution of the openmtbmap contourline maps is not allowed! - .TYP-file (as well as the style-file used to build the maps) is copyrighted by It may not be redistributed or reused or partly reused without permission by Felix Hartmann - Any commercial use is explicitely forbidden - gmt.exe Attention: gmt.exe has it's own copyright notice (file: Copyright gmt.exe.txt). gmt.exe is part of gmaptool and can be found here: ------------------------------------------------------- General Notes: The maps work best on your PC when using Mapsource 6.16 or Basecamp 4 (however contourlines are not correctly visible in Mapsource) - See here for Installation Guide: or As the maps contain no DEM - an altitude profile is only visible for routes, not for tracks in Garmin programs. Please don't complain that something does not work until having read the tutorials. To achieve good maps, I have to do things a bit differently to what you are used to. So read the tutorials. Autorouting is for MTBiking and Hiking only. The autorouting does not respect local laws but instead aims to provide the best / most beautiful ways to reach the destination. No openmtbmap or velomap has yet caused any permanent damage to a Garmin GPS. However I cannot guarantee for this. By installing/using these maps you accept that you may not sue or for anything. For precaution best always transfer maps to SD card and not the GPS unit itself! -- Autorouting uses different Format than other maps, please read this - if you don't know this information autorouting will fail: respectively