About the Openmtbmap.org & www.Velomap.org Maps - Please Read - Short Installation Help - See my Homepage for detailed instructions :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Installation:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Install simply by running the .exe downloads. To uninstall look into the installation folder, and start the uninstall*.exe file. Also note that you can't simply click in mapsource/Basecamp to select maps for sending, if the maps have integrated contourlines, but you have to drag the map selection tool over the area you want to send to your GPS. If you miss the contourlines on your GPS, you didn't follow this step. You can install the maps to any folder you wan't, but never move the folder with the installed maps inside without first running uninstall*.exe. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Newsletter:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: If you want to be notified by e-mail whenever I update the maps, please subscribe to my RSS feed or subscribe by e-mail. You find the subscribe options in the left sidebar on the frontpage under "Subscripe and Receive an email on new Posts" - if you click on the letter you can subscribe by e-mail. the other two buttons are RSS feeds. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Autorouting::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Autorouting options are explained here: http://openmtbmap.org/about/autorouting/ Autorouting on GPS does not work over longer distances without setting via points. So in order to route over longer distances either use Mapsource, or work your way forward on the GPS. See the tutorial section on the website on how to send routes over longer distances from Mapsource to your GPS. In General car/motorcycle and faster time will give you best routes. Bicycle and shorter distance might work over longer distances but the streets/ways takes might be not so nice to cycle. Avoid toll roads avoids very rough roads. Avoid unpaved roads does not avoid very rough roads but a little rough roads. Never check "avoid U-turns nor check "avoid highways". Autorouting is not meant to be used by motor driven vehicles. Please use another map to autoroute when driving a car. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::Using/Viewing the maps on Linux or Mac OSx::::::::::::::::::: You can also look at the maps with Qlandkarte GT from www.qlandkarte.org. Qlandkarte does not need to have maps installed, but can open them. For PDAs/Smartphones you can use "Garmin Mobile XT" (which is not free). For Qlandkarte GT users, or users wanting to convert the maps for Mac OSx Roadtrip/Basecamp file format - look into "information_for_Linux_MacOSX_or_QldandkarteGT_users.txt" for explications what mapset option to choose / what .typ file to choose. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::Create gmapsupp.IMG files quickly:::::::::::::::::::::: Create_gmapsupp.bat creates a gmapsupp.img that you can place on the memory card of your GPS inside /garmin folder so you don't need Mapsource. Note that no address index can be transferred using this method. Create_gmapsupp_with_mkgmap.bat is working just like the above, but able to create an address index - therefore addresses are searchable when using this batch file. Create_mapsource_installtion_files.bat is to be used in conjunction with the contourlines offered as seperate download. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::General Notes:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Please Note: I take no responsibility for the maps working 100% nor the map data being correct (there will always be some inccorect map data in Openstreetmap). I have not heard of maps breaking your GPS but it could happen as I am always using newest version of mkgmap to create the maps. To be safe best transfer the maps to external memory cards and not on internal GPS memory. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Abbreviations:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Abbreviations used for Openstreetmap keys (they cannot be changed): to understand the keys - look them up in the openstreetmap wiki (wiki.openstreetmap.org) M12 / Mr34 -- the first number is the mtb:scale, the second number the mtb:scale:uphill. "r" stands for the way being part of a mtb route. (relation=route) G1 -- tracktype=grade1 S2 -- sac_scale=S2 (mountain hiking) Cr= Cycleroute (relation=route type=bicycle) Mr= MTBRoute (relation=route type=mtb) Pri=primary / primary_link (highway=primary) Sec=secondary Ter=tertiary Res=residential Min=minor Unsf=unsurfaced Uncl=unclassified Living=living_street Pdstrian=pedestrian Trk=track Pth=path Ft=footway Fp=footpath Brdlwy=bridleway Wy=way Rd=road Bywy=byway Ser=service Prvt=Private Cw=cycleway (cyclway=*) Bklane=cycleway=lane (cycleway=lane) Bktrk=cycleway=track Opp=opposite Opptrk=cycleway=opposite_track Onwy=oneway (oneway=yes/1/-1) Cw1=higwhway=* & highway=cycleway. (you should not tag like this). Bk=bicycle=yes or simply bicycle therefor bkrt means bikeroute/cycleroute depending on way, mtbroute means mountainbikeroute. Mtb?? - i.e. mtb1:4 means mtb:scale:1 & mtb:scale:uphill4 Xbk=bicycle=no +bk=bicycle=designated 32bit users: to know whether maps will be installed on a x64 or x32 system the batches check for whether %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\cmd.exe exists. Don't create this folder on 32bit systems or your maps will not appear in Mapsource. This is a system folder that should only exist on x64 windows editions.